Skylight Repair and Replacement
A skylight installation can be compromised of a number of conditions such as aging, which can cause cracks or leaks; a bad initial installation that affects the seal; or more extreme damage caused by weather conditions. At FreeLite, we will offer you the best solution for your problem - backed with a 10 year guarantee on all reflashed skylights! We can help repair your skylight to perform the way it was originally designed.
Is your existing skylight showing signs of aging, cracks or leaks?
We repair all skylights - even ones we did not install - and we guarantee repairs for 10 years on all reflashes!
Usually a leak between the skylight and the roof can be resealed without replacing the whole unit. If your skylight is leaking, there are two likely causes:
2. The seals have broken down.
We can investigate your leak to determine the cause and suggest the most secure and cost effective solution.
FreeLite has more skylight and roof leak detection and repair experience than anyone in the D/FW Metroplex. If anyone can identify and fix your drainage problems, it is FreeLite.
Skylight / Dome Replacement

Hail damage?
Cracked domes can be replaced without replacing the entire skylight. We will work with you to make sure you have all required evidence to submit a claim with your insurance agent.
Getting a new roof and need to replace an old skylight?
Call Freelite! We can work with your roofer to install a new skylight to assure there are no leaks.
Broken skylights and unsatisfactory skylight performance are good reasons to replace your existing skylight. FreeLite repairs and replaces all skylight makes and models. We guarantee our work!
My Skylight is Too HOT!
FreeLite guarantees the best quality light at the lowest heat gain with white translucent acrylic. White acrylic (Plexiglas) uses Lambertian diffusion, meaning light diffuses evenly in all directions - breaking the harsh summertime Texas sunshine into the best and most lumen per watt light source yet field measured.
FreeLite offers a 1 year heat-to-light ratio warranty for our solution to your heat problem!